Here are 25 FUNNY MOMENTS IN SPORTS. For those of you interested on how I make my videos, I primarily use Final Cut Pro X to edit my videos. I use different stock footages (both free and paid), clips of videos that I can find related to the video and search images to visualize the narrative and story that I’m trying to tell. All of which falls under fair use. I hire different researchers and writers for the script for each video along with my original commentary and hire different voice over actors that can properly convey the the theme of the video. Most importantly, find the best background music, usually royalty free from Incompetech and paid ones from Epidemic sounds to create an exciting atmosphere while watching the video.

COZY: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiVpkq5qOtpRxdXvYrQqskw?sub_confirmation=1

More videos:
25 FUNNIEST AND MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENTS IN SPORTS : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U94kUcCI_TE

25 FUNNIEST BALL BOY AND GIRL MOMENTS : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAPndJxGQjs&t=351s

25 CRAZIEST EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTIONS : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pXK55deJ5M

25 MOST UNBELIEVABLE MOMENTS IN SPORTS : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l01kMENhwKY&t=1s

happy wheels 2 demo


Humor Funny


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  • Lina Eleonora 3 years ago

    I would die of embarrassment if i was one of those 2 guys leaving the stadium omg my social anxiety is sky high just watching πŸ‘€ eeek πŸ˜–πŸ˜–

  • Sangaren Dulung 3 years ago

    I would die of embarrassment if i was one of those 2 guys leaving the stadium omg my social anxiety is sky high just watching πŸ‘€ eeek πŸ˜–πŸ˜–

  • lai chu Ng 3 years ago
  • Edsel Paul Ortiz 3 years ago

    8:10 name?

  • Gwendolyn Harris 3 years ago

    YouTube I need to get your mind straight and start posting Cartier videos Cardi Ms. Cardi B Cardi is not good she needs to cuss words and so I need y’all to not be posting Carti videos and I mean it thank you nothing to you thank you very much and please do it today and now

  • Gamer Trio 3 years ago

    8:16enjoy boys

  • Burnol Bebeng 3 years ago

    Really enjoyed watching it😊 ilove it❀️

  • ΨͺΩ…Ψ§Ω… Tmam 3 years ago


  • 8:10 you came for this

  • Gabe Garino 3 years ago

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  • Eternity Klein 3 years ago

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  • Husker 3 years ago

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  • Luna Altshuler 3 years ago


  • andrew hopkinson 3 years ago

    I tried it and lost my job so no good luck here

  • Karson Dukes 3 years ago

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  • Mike D 3 years ago

    RIP Kevin Greene