This video does not belong to me in any aspect.
The video rights are totally reserved with TruTv and Impractical Joker respectively.
This video is made under Fair Use Policy.
Video is only made for Fun and Entertainment purposes.
No monetization intended.

happy wheels 2 demo

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  • Justin Sallee 4 years ago

    I loved the video because it’s impractical jokers. But to be honest man, I had to give the video a dislike. There’s 10 ads lmfao

  • Mc Lovin 4 years ago

    Slurp down a ween perhaps killed me

  • Nick Radulovich 4 years ago

    Murry dropping papers is so cringe…

  • Eminent Cadaver 4 years ago

    I think they do it on a consistent basis

  • gavingaming 9 4 years ago

    Who else is watching during lockdown

  • Angie Aziz 4 years ago


  • Nelson Allen 4 years ago

    ads are annoying. you are greedy.

  • United Nations Space Command 4 years ago

    20:09 Illuminati confirmed

  • Monica Arevalo 4 years ago

    Scoopski potatoes

  • RHECTennessee VFL 4 years ago

    “ Your momma is so fat , she looks like she ate a live human being”
    Smh he’s a regular ol comedian !!!

  • RHECTennessee VFL 4 years ago

    Swear I’m gonna search up on the internet what the internet is full of !!!!

  • RHECTennessee VFL 4 years ago

    9,000 ads in here with zero editing? You’re a special breed ain’t you ?

  • Prod. Adam Boy 4 years ago

    fuckin awful compilation with the constant cuts to the audio clip of Q, bad quality video, not even finishing the jokers bit.. shit comp.

  • John ZombMan 4 years ago

    28:23 looking pretty good for 58 going on 59

  • It’sJust Ivory 4 years ago

    Murray reminds me of Morty 😂😂😂 off of Rick and morty

  • Saundra Carr 4 years ago

    Who's watching this in 2020 while in quarantine?

  • Haley Ramber 4 years ago

    im not laughing
    like it isn't so funny
    and i laugh at everything

  • Jak W 4 years ago

    Does anyone know where I can find videos of people embarrassing themselves?

  • Asher Lee 4 years ago

    i fucking choked on my smoothie

  • Ed Garza 4 years ago

    2:58 😂😂